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Ballyclare Nursery School, Ballyclare

Visits & Visitors

To enhance our curriculum and provide a wide variety of learning experiences for the children, we enjoy a wide range of visitors to the nursery. Many of these are paid for by funds raised by our PTA "Friends of Ballyclare Nursery School". Times and dates for these events are scheduled on our 'Calendar'.

Jo Jingles - Music and Percussion Programme.

This helps to promote:

  • Communication & Language skills
  • Listening skills
  • Numeracy skills
  • Physical capability
  • Creativity & imagination
  • Memory
  • Personal social & emotional development



Children will: 

  • experience and practice basic ball skills and team games
  • participate in physical activity as part of our “Keeping healthy” remit.
  • Follow simple rules
  • Take turns
  • Listen to and follow simple instructions


15th Oct 2020
Tomorrow morning (Friday 16th Oct) Gillian will be in school to start our new "socially...
7th Jan 2017
Today Weihong from Artsekta came to visit us. She brought along lots of different...