Learning Themes in Nursery
Here you will find information about how we are teaching the children within the six pre- school curriculum areas. These themes are used to plan a wide variety of learning opportunities and experiences for the children. They are very flexible and are used as a 'starting point' to develop learning. Each class may very well end up doing entirely different activities as the 'Themes' progress and the different interests of each class are used to plan next steps in the children's learning.
If you would like to engage with our Home Learning ideas then you may like to choose activities that link in with what we are currently learning in school! Some of the activities are skills that children need to continually practice and develop. These can be done at anytime and be repeated throughout the year. Most importantly though, enjoy the time with your child and have fun together!
Online Stories
Here you will find stories and books that we will be reading in school.
Home Learning Ideas- Videos
Home Learning
Play dough Ideas
Play dough, goo and slime are excellent for developing young children's hand control in readiness for writing in school. Here are some ideas and activities that you can do at home!
ideas for how
to encourage
your child to
use the play
dough to
develop their
fine motor