Ballyclare Nursery School Safeguarding Team

Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Class Teacher- Kiwi Class and Lime Class (Green Room)
Designated Teacher for Child Protection

Chairperson Education Authority Representative

Department of Education Representative
Child Protection Governor
Safeguarding for Child Protection and Pastoral Care at Ballyclare Nursery School
Miss Burns is the Designated Teacher for Child Protection
Mrs Corry is the Deputy Designated Teacher.
All parents receive a 'Parents Guide to Child Protection' as part of the induction process. This outlines the key elements and procedures of our Child Protection Policy.
This document along with information for Parents and Carers about: 'How to Raise a Child Protection Concern' and our full Child Protection and Pastoral Care Policy can be found in the documents section below.
There is also a copy of a 'How to Raise a Child Protection Concern' flow chart displayed in both entrance areas of the school.
All staff have annual training for Child Protection.
Any adult working in our school is subject to an 'Enhanced Disclosure' check carried out through the Education Authority in line with their procedures.
Safeguarding Documents
Child Protection- A Guide For Parents and Carers

How a Parent/ Carer Can Raise a Child Protection Concern in our School

Ballyclare Nursery School Policy for Child Protection and Pastoral Care
Full Policy with Appendices